How to use your favourites!

As part of the redevelopment of our website in 2019, we introduced a new favouriting system that now allows you to save which artists you'd like to visit and helps to plan your journey around Derbyshire. Once you've saved your favourites, you can create trails between the artists. These can be customised depending on whether you're driving, cycling or walking and can help you find the quickest route between your favourites.

All you need to do is create an account for this website with either your email address, Facebook or Twitter logins and begin saving!

Follow these instructions and start to plan today which artists you'd like to visit over the Spring Bank Holiday!


Sign up icon  Step 1 - Go to the sign up page

Visit or click the link at the top of every page that says Sign Up.

Sign up link in navigation

Social media icons  Step 2 - Sign up via your social media account

If you'd like to sign up using your Facebook or Twitter accounts, click one of the icons (pictured in the image below) on the register page.

You'll be redirected from Facebook or Twitter back to the website and your new account will have been created.

Image of the social media sign up buttons

Email icon  Step 2b - Sign up with your email address

Alternatively, you can register with your email address and fill the form (pictured below) on the register page.

Image of the registration form

Save icon  Step 3 - Start saving your favourites!

Visit the artists section and start exploring the artist profiles! When you find an artist you'd like to save, click the save to your favourites button above the slideshows on the right.

Save your favourites button

Note - you must be logged in to save any favourites.

See icon  Step 4 - View your favourites

Once you've saved your favourites artists you can view them at Alternatively, you can click the My Favourites link at the top of every page.

Favourites link in navigation

Note - you must be logged in to view your favourites.

Sign post navigation  Step 5 - Create your trails

If you've saved at least one artist, you can begin building your custom trails. You can either view the trail page at or alternatively, you can click the My Trails link at the top of every page (see image above.)

Note - you must be logged in to create trails.

Once you've visited the Trails page, you will see the below table and all of your favourites listed. Choose your start and optional end point as well as how you want to travel during your trail. If you'd like the quickest route between the points click the tickbox, otherwise you can drag the arrow icon on the left up and down to change the order of the artists. You also don't have to create a trail of all of your favourites and can use the include tickbox on the right to choose which artists you want to incorporate.

Directions table