
Maria Newman

Location: Beeley   /  Genre: Textiles

Artist Statement

Maria Newman is a textile artist with a background in patchwork and quilting. She has completed a City & Guilds Diploma in machine and hand embroidery.
Much of her inspiration comes from observing the natural world. Her work includes colourful contemporary interpretations of her chosen themes. She uses a variety of techniques which include fabric piecing, painting, printing and appliqué, with fine detail being added through machine and hand embroidery.
Maria really loves the delicacy of hand embroidery and uses this to reflect the intrinsic detail of nature in her work.
Maria also belongs to Ecostitchers, an exhibiting group of textile artists who are based in and around the Peak District. They produce high quality and innovative textile art which explores environmental and climate change.
The group tries to work in as environmentally conscious and sustainable way as possible, trying to re-purpose, re-use, recycle and share materials within the group, and so reducing the need to purchase anything new

Venue Information

Cavendish Village Hall
School Lane

Beeley Village is located off the B6012. Turn left opposite the Devonshire Arms onto Chapel Hill then bear right onto School Lane. Cavendish Village Hall is on the left.

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